Friday 27 June 2014

A Trip to the Vet

Jasper has a cough, so I found a vet and phoned for directions.  Do I ever learn?  No street signs, just landmarks.  And potholes.

Passed this shop while getting lost on the way to the vet. At first I thought the squiffy M was falling off.  Then I thought it was a deliberate ploy to attract my attention.  Then I saw the E (behind the robot), and realised that this is probably not a good place to shop. Look there's a white bakkie!

Not a sight you're likely to see outside Blue Cross Rondebosch
This neither

This miniature sharpei is a permanent resident.  She was blinded at three months old by snake venom.  She's only knee high and just loves everyone.  What a sweetie.

Jasper had to go for an x-ray.  He was not impressed.  Neither was the vet when he saw me taking pics in the x-ray room.  Jasper has an enlarged heart and water on his lungs.  Bob says he always knew Jasper had a big heart.

The vet didn't have any meds at the office, but had them at home.  To save time, I offered to follow him home and pick them up there. Mistake.  He's been in Mthatha a while and fully understands that an orange robot is not a suggestion to slow down.  I didn't know where he was going, so I tailgated him through said orange robots, together with the rest of Mthatha.  Holy mackerel. 

No rain for a while - see how dusty the road is. And my car.  I picked up mail from the PO Box.  Even the mail is dusty. 

The tall building in the distance is where Bob works. See, there's another white bakkie!

(Jasper has to take heart pills for the rest of his life.  Poor boy.  Apparently the same pills are given to humans)


  1. Loving your blog Wendy! Tell Jasper that we're probably on the same pills and I'm doing fine :)

  2. Buwahahaha! Thanks Margaret, i'll tell him. Now I have coffee splatter on my screen.

  3. Can't see the 'e' behind the robot, but kind of got the point anyhoo. Ja, driving in these areas is perhaps more akin to driving in India or further up Africa! Ja, and I'm with Margaret. I also had a similar thought, heheh. Willa was also on human water tablets at one point towards the end - same ones as me. :v
